Me Made May 2018- Last Bit!


Day Twenty-one: My newest Grail/Renfrew smash-up and my wool Zinnia!


Day Twenty-Two: Spring Moneta


Day Twenty-three:  Grail t-shirt and Zinnia skirt


Day Twenty-four:  Peony Dress!


Day Twenty-five: Deer head Grail t-shirt


Day Twenty-six: Another hacked Grail t-shirt…. this was taken after a long, booze filled wet day in Asheville with friends 🙂


Day Twenty-seven: ….. yes… more Grail t-shirts


Day Twenty-eight: More Peony Dress


Day Twenty-nine: Grail t-shirt and Zinnia skirt again.


Day Thirty: Spring Moneta….again


Day Twenty-nine: Last, but not least seersucker Hawthorne!

And there you have it another Me Made May in the books.  It was filled with repeats and Grail t-shirts, BUT I managed to meet my goal!  I took a picture every day and had only one Me Made Underwear Day 😉  Not too shabby!

Me Made May 2018- Week Three


Day Fourteen- More Grail t-shirts…. (There are so many Grail T-shirts I’m only linking this first one)….I also took this late at night so apologies for the lighting….



Day Fifteen- Yup more Grail t-shirts…. I just finished another hacked version so I’ll hopefully be posting about it and this one.



Day Sixteen- Moneta, I love this version and need another short sleeved one in my life 🙂



Day Seventeen-  Grail t-shirts again, but also my Zinnia skirt 🙂



Day Eighteen- Why, yes I did wear the same shirt I did yesterday…. and no, I do not give a shit 😉



Day Nineteen- My deer head Grail t-shirt



Day Twenty-  …..Aaaand last, but not least, more Grail T-shirts 😉

Me Made May 2018- Week One & Two!


Day One: This is an as yet unblogged Grail T-shirt….. stay tuned for more details 🙂



Day Two- Another unblogged Grail T-shirt! This one I made last year, just in time for cold weather :-/



Day Three- MORE Grail T-shirts!  You will notice a theme…. we were actually moving offices this week so it was all casual all the time!



Day Four- ….yes, another Grail T-shirt! And back in Charleston for the weekend!



Day Five- My seersucker Hawthrone!  This was taken at my old work… I had come down to see my last group of Cadets graduate 😀



Day Six-  My newest Moneta!  Take on the best porch in Charleston just before heading back to the Mountains 😦



Day Seven- The Violet blouse!  I’ve decided I need to make some tweaks on this pattern before I make another one :-/



Day Eight-  Navy and green Moneta!  Because who doesn’t love navy & green!



Day Nine- Grail T-shirt and Zinna Skirt…. a favorite combination!



Day Ten- My one and only (hopefully) Me Made underwear day! Rocking a pair of Rosy Shorts under there 😉



Day Eleven- My unblogged Peony dress…. I also donated blood!



Day Twelve- This is actually the second Me Made outfit for this day…. the first one got all gross planting our container garden 🙂



Day Thirteen- If you think today’s outfit looks surprisingly similar to yesterdays… you are correct!  I only wore it for like 3 hours yesterday 😉

Works in Progress XIX…. plus Me Made May 2018!

So…. I totally had to look up what 19 was in Roman numerals 😦   I may have to re-think my numbering system….

But at any rate! Here’s what I’ve been working on!


Unfortunately, in the case of my knitting not only has no progress been made…. there has actually been negative progress!  That’s right mere rows before coming to the end of my cowl I decided I didn’t like my interpretation of the pattern and ripped it almost back to the beginning 😦

I’m trying again to more closely follow the pattern (despite it making NO sense) just to see how it turns out….but, as you can imagine I haven’t really gotten too in to it :-/

HOWEVER! The wheels are turning on a new summer sweater!!


On the other hand, I’ve been hard at work and have almost completed my ninth and tenth Grail t-shirt!  These ones will both involve some pattern hacking on the original…. and fit in with my Make Nine plan- BONUS!



My Ginger jeans took a bit of a back burner when I decided I wanted the somewhat immediate gratification of a Grail t-shirt….. but I’m hoping to get back to them very soon!


Which brings us to Me Made May!!  I’ll be participating again…. getting in just under the wire (per usually)….

I, Liz of Liz-o-matic, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’18. I endeavor to wear at least one visible me made item every day for the month of May 2018.

Last year I had a handful of me made underwear days…. this year my goal is to limit it to only one day!  I’m also going to try to be better about getting a photo EVERY day!

Me Made May Musings…. plus Works in Progress

So, my first Me Made May is officially done!  I missed a couple of days taking pictures and had a few Me Made Underwear days, but overall I’m calling this a success!


Things I learned!

  1. It was actually not as hard as I thought to pull this off!  Yes, I had a shit ton of repeats… but overall I was able to do it!
  2.  A surprising gap I have in my wardrobe is casual, weekend wear!  I’ve got work appropriate skirts and tops pretty well covered, but I have ZERO me made causal bottoms to wear on the weekends.
  3.  Along the same lines as point 2.  I have NO me made pajamas…. or rather to be more precise-  I have no me made pajamas that don’t have a giant rip in the butt because I’ve gained like 20 lbs since moving 😦
  4. I have a small collection of me made items that are just not in regular rotation at all for a variety of reasons.
  5.  I look much better in pictures when I stand up straight…. but don’t tell my mother, she’s been harping on me for years to stand up straight :-/

So… moving forward I have a rough plan for some causal makes, some pajama makes, and maybe even finally giving the Ginger jeans a crack!  I did after all shell out $50 for the class!!

Works in Progress

In other news,  I’m hoping to finally finish the Violet I’ve been working on….


All I have left are the buttons and button holes…. this should be a whole hell of a lot easier with my new machine 😀

And in keeping with my whole being more active in the online sewing community I will be participating in the Outfit Along!!


Yes…. I’ve never participated in a Sewalong…. I’ve never participated in a Knitalong…. I’ve never even finished a sweater in less than 8 months, but I’m doing the Outfit Along….. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!?!

But seriously, I have no illusions that I will be able to finish this in two months.  I’m just hoping to do the dress and get a decent start on the sweater…. I’ll do a more full-ish post on this, including the sweater pattern (hint it’s not the official sweater pattern) and the dress 🙂  So stay tuned!



Me Made May- Week 4.5

The last week in May! Woohoo I made it through!!  I’ll return next week with my thoughts regarding an entire month wearing at least one handmade item each day…. but until then:


Day 28: Ah yes… more Grail t-shirts!



Day 29: Memorial Day!  The original plan was to sew…. but instead I got distracted by container gardening.  And yes EVEN more Grail t-shirts…. plus RTW jeans that are on it’s last legs 😦



Day 30: What’s this???  A “new” dress?  This is actually an old dress….that I hardly wear :-/ It’s the Crepe wrap dress by Colette patterns in lilac gingham seersucker.  It’s good dress/pattern, just a bit too cutesy for regular rotation.



Day 31: Last day! Ending strong…. with more Grail t-shirts! 😀  Hooray!


And thus ends my very first Me Made May 😀


Me Made May- Week 4

Well, it’s Memorial Day and I’ve just come back from another long weekend helping the parental units 😀
I’m hoping to still get some sewing and knitting in today…. maybe even have a finished object post for later this week 😉


Day 21:  It was a rainy lazy day…. and another me- made underwear day.  Here I am trying to ham it up and actually showing my undies….. SCANDAL *clutches pearls*!


Day 22: Zinnia skirt and more Grail t-shirts of course!


Day 23: Even MORE Grail t-shirts!!  Apologies for the weird lighting…. which highlights my need to clean my mirror.


Day 24: Green Peony Dress


Day 25: Grail t-shirt and RTW dress pants


Day 26: Again Grail t-shirt (deer head this time) and RTW jeans


Day 27: I forgot to get a picture of today’s outfit, but it was… you guessed it! Grail t-shirt (the red one this time) and RTW pants.


So, there you have it!  Another Grail t-shirt heavy week :-/
We’re in the home stretch now, just a few more days left….expect more Grail t-shirts 😉

Me Made May- Week 3

I’m back!  And this time kinda on schedule 🙂


Day 14:  So I forgot to get a picture this day.  We were driving back from my parents and by the time I remembered…. I didn’t care.  It was another me made underwear day though :-/


Day 15: Back taking proper pictures and my husband trying to photobomb them, the mysterious blur in the background is a pillow case he was waving 😀
Here I’ve got my pin dot Zinnia and a RTW t-shirt.


Day 16:  My seersucker hawthorn dress…. and a kitty!


Day 17: My un-blogged Peony dress, plus RTW sweater.  P.S. I didn’t mention this before, but it’s actually made out of quilting cotton!


Day 18:  I’ve decided that this is probably my best fitting garment.  And it should be! This is my third Peony.  If you click through to the original post, you can see that the green eyelet fabric has shrunk up over time exposing the navy lining…. which I actually really like 🙂

Day 19 & 20:  You get another twofer…. and yes I wore the same t-shirt two days in a row, what of it?! Both days I wore the Grail t-shirt (both days with RTW bottoms) The second picture was taken on a hike on Buffalo Mountain, I’m working on being more active 🙂

And there you have it!  A lot less Grail t-shirts this week as promised…. although I did just buy some fabric for MORE Grail t-shirts 😉

Me Made May – Week Two

HELLO!!! I had meant to get this up Sunday, thus creating a regular posting schedule…..but I was driving back from the parents house so that didn’t happen!


Day Seven: More grail shirts!  I told you to expect a lot of repeats… this was taken moments before I hit the road for a conference in Nashville.


Day Eight: The navy moneta!  This is driving back after a full day at the conference AND hours in the car…knit dress FTW!!!


Day Nine: Gray Flannel Zinnia… and…. grail t-shirt!


Day Ten: Can you guess??? Grail t-shirt!


Day Eleven: You may be confused by this….did I make khakis (circa 2006)? Have I branched into a side-line of uniform wear??? No- it was Orientation day at the university and sadly no room for me-made outerwear :-/
I am however wearing me-made underwear 😉

Day Twelve & Thirteen: This is essentially the same outfit… and surprise, surprise it’s grail t-shirts!!!  I went to my parent’s for the weekend to help around the house, both these photos were taken by my Mom after a very full day in the attic!

That’s it for week two!  5/7ths of this post is Grail t-shirts…. I wish I could tell you next week will be different, but I make no promises!

Me Made May – Week One

My first Me Made May week!! It was surprisingly easier than I thought. I realize now I’ve basically been wearing a good mix of handmades and RTW for a while now…. So, so far this hasn’t been that much of a stretch 🙂


Day One: This is the second Peony I made and my very first hand-knit sweater.  Both makes are pre-blog.  I’ve thought about doing a TBT post a la Sometimes Sewist for some of my pre-blog makes 🙂


Day Two:  Cat!  This is my blue pin-dot Zinnia Skirt and the first Vesta Grail t-shirt 😀


Day three: More Grail t-shirts!! Prepare to see these A LOT.  With some RTW jeans…. someday I will make my own!


Day Four:  Yes, EVEN more Grail t-shirts.  This is with an H & M shirt I quite literally got in college- it was technically too big when I got it and now it’s borderline too small :-/


Day Five: Apologies for the terrible lighting.  Queen of Hearts Moneta….. also Cat!


Husband: You look cold in the picture.  Me: That’s because I am cold!! It’s freezing!

Day Six:  The husband was home, so I decided to change it up and make him photograph me.  This is my knit infinity scarf, it took a turn for the cold and I had to bust it back out 😦

So, there you have it! Week one of Me Made May is in the books, hopefully I’ll be able to keep this up!