A Cropped Sweater for Winter….. aka The Neverending Sweater!

It’s official I finished my sweater!!!  I started this thing in January and just finished it back in October!  At one point the husband joked I was going to finish it just in time for summer…. well jokes on him ’cause I finished it just in time for autumn! 😛

Just as a refresher… this is Andi Satterland’s A Cropped Sweater for Winter.  I LOVE Andi’s patterns, I feel bad because so far I’ve just been using her free ones :-/

I used Cascade 220 yarn in Teal and Mustard.  Unfortunately, the colors don’t photograph very well, but I assure you they are gorgeous.  I am noticing though after wearing it once there’s already some pilling under the arms :-/

I knit this pretty much as written in a size Large, except I worked with the women (and men!) at The Village Knittery to increase things around the bust.  I believe we ended up adding a little under two inches to the bust.  I was seriously in there every other Saturday to get help and make sure I was on the right track!  And they were so AWESOME and patient ….and I’m super sad it’s not my Local Yarn Shop any more 😥
If you ever find yourself in the Summerville/Charleston area you should go and spend all your money there!!!

This sweater represents a lot of firsts for me: first time adjusting a pattern (granted I wasn’t the one doing the adjusting), first pull over sweater, and first time successfully blocking!  I had only blocked things once or twice before, it always struck me as a bit unnecessary when you’re talking about a scarf or even a hat.  However, blocking this sweater made ALL the difference in the world!  Even after all the adjusting it was still a bit tight, but it fits like a glove after the blocking!  P.S. my “blocking boards” are just foam floor mats from Lowe’s 😉


I am so excited to finally have a sweater I made fit!!  I’m already planning and scheming on my next sweater….maybe this one 🙂

You may also notice the super awesome photos of me in my new sweater…. that is ’cause my co-worker & PROFESSIONAL photographer Shawn was kind enough to take these.  You should all go check out his website and pay him lots of money to take your photo 😀

Works in Progress VIII….also Fall!

Long time no see dear reader!  Work has been a MAD HOUSE…. which has left exactly zero time for blogging.  In fact, about the only thing I’ve been good for these past weeks after dragging myself home has been sitting in front of the TV and knitting 😦

Speaking of knitting…. I’ve been working on the non-animal fiber infinity scarf for my Mom.  I’m using a 52% viscose and 48% cotton blend yarn- it’s pretty nice. This will actually be my third version of this infinity scarf.  It’s a good simple, but not too, simple pattern.  Just what’s needed for a bit of mindless knitting!

I’ve also finally started on my cape!  I’m almost done working up a muslin, just need to add the collar.  I doubt I really NEED to do a muslin for this- I mean it’s not exactly fitted.  However, at this point it feels weird to not do a muslin, especially since I’m using fancy fabric.

IMG_3526You may also notice I did not photograph the muslin…’cause, yeah, I don’t feel like it 😛
Instead you get an old photo of the fabric and pattern…enjoy!

And….that’s pretty much all I’ve been working on…. :-/
So, to make up for the lack of actual “works” or “progress” here’s a bunch of photos of the mountains in fall!


