One Week, One Pattern 2017

A day late and a dollar short, but here you have it my One Week, One Pattern round-up….

And of course I choose Vesta Pattern’s The Grail t-shirt…. because I have literally made 1,000s of these… or you know, 8 :-/

[I’m also going to apologize for the photos right now… day-light savings time and working late do not produce the best lighting conditions for photos]

Day 1:


One of my first Grail t-shirt makes 🙂

Day 2:


It was a lazy Sunday inside with my latest un-blogged t-shirt…. trying to branch out with some patterns!

Day 3:


Another very early Grail t-shirt make.  I actually had to wear a work polo all day, so this only got worn for a few hours at the end of the day…

Day 4:


….which is why I felt pretty safe wearing it again the very next day!  I wore it with my State Street Cowl… so it’s not the exact same outfit 😉

Day 5:


Forgot to take a photo actually in my outfit… which is too bad because it was super cute.  3/4 length sleeve Grail shirt, with my first Zinna skirt.

Day 6:


Busting out the long-sleeve Grail and my 2nd Zinnia!

Day 7:


Another Grail t-shirt and another un-blogged (and technically un-finished!) make.  I’ll hopefully have more on the sweater for you soon!


Day 8:


I kinda misunderstood the time-frame….not sure how, one week being a fairly standard 7 days :-/
But at any rate we have my Grailed Renfrew and my first Zinnia again 🙂

So there you have it!  I managed to squeeze in another sewing community, social media thingy before the end of the year 🙂  Although, I ended up only participating unofficially.  Options were given for participating for a chance for prizes both through Instagram and Facebook, but I never could find the Facebook group to post to 😦  **Yes, I still have not gotten on the Instagram train :-/