Pin Dot Chambray Zinnia Skirt

The alternate title for this post was “Zinnia Skirt 2: Electric Boogalo”, but I decided to go the more descriptive route 😉

So, dear reader, at long last I actually have a finished object post! ….I know try to contain yourself.


My first wool Zinnia is definitely my favorite skirt I’ve made. And ever since I’ve been longing for a year round version.  When I saw Melissa from Craft Rambler’s version my ass was kicked into high gear.  To the point that as I look at her version again I realize I pretty much made the same skirt…. I am nothing if not highly suggestible :-/


You can see I left off the belt loops on this version… I cut out the piece and then impulsively decided to leave them off.  I may go back and add them back on, as I now realize my little belt has a slimming effect :-/


Ignore the fact that this needs a good ironing and focus on my awesome invisible zipper and super cute red button 😀

Both the zipper and button were purchased from a local sewing store I stumbled upon up here.  They’re geared mostly towards quilting, but have a lovely selection knits and obviously notions too.


Although I made vast improvements in my zipper insertion… I’m still getting the hang of my button-hole function.  It is not a pretty button-hole and I may have go back and hand stitch it, ’cause I manged to snip a few threads in trying to open it.


One thing I am super happy about is the fabric!  I never quite understood everyone’s obsession with chambray….until I bought some.  Boy howdy do I get it now!

I used Robert Kaufman’s Cotton Pin Dot Chambray in denim and probably didn’t need to, but lined it anyways with Cotton Lawn.  In related news, I am officially spoiled from lining my garments in quilting cotton!


I used french seams when I could….mostly for the practice.  I also hand stitched the hem, taking up a good 2 inches (because I’m short), with red lace hem tape (because it’s pretty 😀 )


The one and only issue that’s annoying me is the weird flip-y fold thing that’s happening at my hips.  I have no idea what’s causing it and no idea how to make it go away!  I am open to suggestions on both fronts!

7 thoughts on “Pin Dot Chambray Zinnia Skirt

  1. Pingback: Me Made May – Week One | liz-o-matic

  2. Pingback: Me Made May- Week 3 | liz-o-matic

  3. Pingback: Me Made May- Week 4 | liz-o-matic

  4. Pingback: One Week, One Pattern 2017 | liz-o-matic

  5. Pingback: Me Made May 2018- Week Three | liz-o-matic

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