Year in Review/Shit for 2017

It’s that time of year again! Yes, when I belatedly talk about last years past goals and future goals for the New Year…better late than never I say!

Sewing Highs!

2016 was the year this really became a SEWING blog.  It wasn’t a conscious decision, it seems I just stopped posting about gardens and cooking after the move :-/


This year I got another mention from Colette Patterns!!  This is becoming a yearly tradition… and I LOVE it!

Another sewing highlight was participating in Allie J‘s Social Sew not once, but twice!  Which was a lot of fun 😀

2016 Goal Assessments!

  • Knit a sweater…..


I….uh…. started one, and technically I started it twice :-/

  • Knit and sew more winter things:

    I’m slowly, but surely building up my ‘Winter is Coming’ Wardrobe…. but I definitely need more!
    I, unfortunately, discovered it’s very hard to sew for winter when it’s 90 degrees outside :-/


  • Sew new patterns…. so…. this was a partial success.  I did indeed sew all new patterns this year….

    I just…uh… sewed the same new pattern SEVEN times :-/



2017 Goals!

  • Put together the sewing room!


    I’ve been sewing (and living!) out of boxes for over a year now and I’ve finally reached my limit!  This is the year the sewing room gets put into good working order!

  • Participate in the sewing community more!

    I really enjoyed the Social Sew this year, I’d like to try to participate more in that.  In addition, I think this is the year I finally participate in Me Made May 😀
    I may also try to find a sewalong or knitalong to join, but I’m really shit with deadlines 😦
    I’ve also been toying with the idea of joining Instagram from a while now…someone just needs to explain to me how to use it!

  • Continue to sew and knit more!
    I want to keep this momentum going and sew & knit EVEN more in 2017!  I definitely need to continue my ‘Winter is Coming’ wardrobe… ’cause that bitch has arrived and I am still freezing!


    I also may try to do more unselfish sewing and knitting… my Mom has requested a skirt and my poor husband has been promised multiple knitted items I have never followed through on.  [Although to be fair, he has promised me multiple woodworked items he has never followed through on!]

So, there you have it!  Continue to check in here to find out if I actually follow through with any of these goals!