Works in Progress V…. a.k.a Super Awesome Sewing Afternoon

Well, hellooo there dear reader!  I spent the last week back home relaxin’ and chillin’ with the family (the little bro even flew out from the Left Coast!).  We ate and drank ourselves silly…which is why I will be doing nothing but eating salads and drinking water this week :-/

However, I was able to get back down in enough time to enjoy a lovely sewing afternoon with Jen and Elizabeth 🙂

This was a potluck event and at the last minute I threw together some Baked Brie with Strawberry, Balsamic, Basil Jam [say that 3x fast!] and Pecans.

IMG_2355I realize now that baked brie doesn’t really photograph well, but I assure you it was very tasty!  I used this recipe, but replaced strawberry balsamic jam for the apricot/raspberry jam and pecans for almonds.  I had made and canned the strawberry balsamic basil jam a few months ago when strawberries were still in season and it is perfect for this kind of thing. P.S. I can too 😉

The original plan, for the sewing afternoon, was to work on a blanket skirt with the leftover fabric from the Failed Walkaway dress.  I cleverly went out and got contrasting fabric for the waist band and was promptly distracted by the remnants bin and their 50% off sale….. One hour later I realized there was zero time to actually wash the fabric 😦

IMG_2357So, instead I worked on my Neverending Sweater and cutting fabric for my next Zinnia skirt…… because why would I want to try something new when I can just re-make the same three patterns over and over again 😉

IMG_2358Elizabeth is here hard at work on a white Maxi dress….she was, surprisingly enough, the only one actually sewing at the Super Awesome Sewing Afternoon.  Although not pictured (because she’s behind the camera…err…iphone) Jen was working on drafting a costume pattern.

And now time for some fabric eye candy!

IMG_3742I mean just look at that shit!  Elizabeth somehow manged to score vintage-ish “scraps” of suede/leather of varying sizes from a woman who used to design and sew gloves on 5th Avenue!  I say vintage-ish because these are from the ’80s and I refuse to call anything from the ’80s vintage.  And I say “scraps” because some of these pieces were at least a couple of yards. [It should also be known I have offered any number of skills in trade to the original owner for glove making lessons!]

Hardcore vegetarians and vegans should probably avert their eyes though 😦
Although, Elizabeth claimed they were faux suede I’m pretty sure at least half of these pieces are real leather- including, but not limited to, that ridiculously, fabulous gold and turquoise number!!!  Jen picked out a few pieces for herself and I proceeded to take EVERYTHING else.  I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m going to do with it all, other than adding it to the Hoard along with The Precious, but it was all way too fantastic to pass up 😀

However…. I am open to suggestions????  Obviously, I see many bags and clutches in my future (and possibly gloves!), but I also have visions formulating of a ridiculously over the top ’60s-esque leather A-line mini in turquoise and gold!

Works in Progress III

Well, it was a cloudy, breezy, rainy weekend here courtesy of Tropical Storm Ana.  Which is kinda good ’cause I can stay inside all day cooking, sewing and knitting and not feel guilty about not enjoying the great outdoors, because really, who wants to enjoy a downpour!

First up, we have the delicious Mushroom and Leek Galette. I adapted it from this recipe.  I left out the fennel and olives (because gross!) and increased the mushrooms and leeks (because yum!).  I also substituted Gruyere cheese for Fontina cheese, because…reasons that’s why!

IMG_3665 And since the husband doesn’t like mushrooms… it’s MINE ALL MINE!!!  I’m calling it a work in progress ’cause I’m going to be eating that bitch all week for lunch 🙂

I’m back on the sewing train attempting my very first Full Bust Adjustment…. here’s hoping I don’t derail!  I’m using my Colette Sewing Handbook and this post for references.

IMG_3667I actually saw the green eyelet fabric last summer and just HAD to have a summer dress lined in navy… which didn’t happen.  Then I decided I HAD to make the dress for a wedding…..which was last weekend.  Oh well, better late than never! [ask me how my husband’s Christmas present is coming along :-/ ]

In other news, the garden has started to come in!  We picked our first handful of green beans.  However, the husband is weird and doesn’t actually like fresh green beans.  So, not everyone was as excited about this development.  [In his defense despite not liking them he will eat pretty much anything I put in front of him-except mushrooms….and raisins]  Maybe at some point I’ll share they way I prepare them so he actually likes them 🙂

And finally, dear reader, we have what I have re-named The Neverending Sweater!  I’m about 2/3 of the way through the first sleeve.  I really can’t blame the sweater though, I have a bad tendency to stop a project for weeks (or months) when I come to a logical stopping point…like say finishing the body.  I always come back to it though….eventually :-/

And so that concludes what I’ve been working on.  The school year is over, which means I should have more time for sewing, knitting, etc- HOORAY!  But it also means I’ll have less hours and less money- BOOO HISS!  So, tune in next week to see what progress (or lack of progress) I make… or you know don’t 😉

Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Cookies….now with more Chocolate!

A few weeks ago one of my cadets (I work at a military college FYI) requested a treat for his birthday- I have a tendency to bake for my cadets.  When I asked him what he wanted, he said “Something chocolate-y”  And with that I tweaked a recipe and came up with Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Cookies!  They were such a big hit that they were requested again when I offered baked goods to people who were able to pass an important test early….don’t judge, I am not above bribery!

A note on eggs

I now use duck eggs in all my baking…. they are AWESOME!!  I buy mine from a local farmer.  If you ever have the opportunity to get some you buy ALL the eggs ’cause they are worth it!  Below you can see the size difference, these are left to right: Goose egg, Duck egg, and Chicken egg.

Duck, Duck, Goose!Both the duck (and goose) eggs add a richer flavor and a more tender finished product in baking, I find.  They are larger in general, but also have much larger yolks (hence the richness).  From my research, it seems two duck eggs equate to three chicken eggs, but I’ve often gotten away with a 1:1 substitution.  Also, FYI one goose egg equates to two chicken eggs 🙂

But enough about eggs- you’ve come for cookies and chocolate!

IMG_3588Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Cookies

The original recipe was from Gourmet, but you can see I’ve adapted it….

Yield: 2.5 dozen -ish (enough for 10 hungry college students with leftovers)

3/4 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (don’t cheap out- get the good stuff, i.e. Dutch Process)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened (baking always calls for unsalted butter, which I never have…..I usually compensate by being stingy on the actual salt)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 large eggs (I used two smallish duck eggs)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Whisk together flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl.

Beat together butter and both sugars in mixer (or with an electric beater or you can do it by hand if you’re strong….and crazy) until pale and fluffy.  Add in eggs and vanilla, mix until combined.  Add flour mixture 1/3 at a time, beating after each addition.

Stir in chocolate chips.

Drop rounded tablespoons of dough onto an ungreased baking sheet.  Bake in batches in middle of oven until puffed and set- about 9 minutes (rotating halfway through).  Allow to cool for 5 minutes on baking sheet, then transfer to a rack to finish cooling.

Someone gave me an Award?! …..also Pi Day!!

Originally I was going to post this last week and I had a whole opening about how I managed two posts in one week again….but that didn’t happen  :-/  Aaaannd I’m too lazy to come up with another opening so here: 

Another two posts in one week! That’s just crazy talk….although if it’s any portent for the last time I posted twice in one week it probably means there’ll be nothing for two weeks!  Oh well, thems the breaks.

So… I evidently got nominated for a Liebster Award!  So, far as I can tell this “award” is basically a way to bring attention to cool blogs you are familiar with in order to get other people familiar with them and also to recognize peoples general awesomeness 🙂  [It also strikes me as vaguely chain letter-y with rules, but fuck it I’m a rebel who thumbs her nose at rules]


First, up the person who nominated me… Amanda of manda made it.  I met Amanda through our mutual sewing friend Jen… see below.  We bonded over our love of Colette Patterns and vintage patterns.  Amanda just recently completed a rather intense project…her third kid!  You should all check out her blog and the adorable vintage clothes she makes for her young’uns…. I mean just look at this shit!

Next….the people I nominate…. [Evidently, these people are then suppose to nominate others, who then nominate others and so on… Hence the chain letter-y aspect.  Please note if I nominate you you don’t have to do shit afterwards!]

Jen of Quest of Quirkiness…. I met Jen through our friend Elizabeth (see below again).  Jen is a totally awesome sewer… I am always impressed by her ability to draft her OWN patterns.  She does a lot of very cool cosplay stuff and corset making!

Next we have Elizabeth of humblehomespun….I met Elizabeth through work and she is probably the main reason I finally started sewing instead of constantly  talking about how I want to learn to sew 🙂  Recently, she has wandered into the fun and maddening world of EMBROIDERY!

Finally we have Constance of Yarning Over the Days….. I have never met nor really interacted with Constance, but I LOVE her knitting and her style in general!

And because this post is kinda wordy and dry…. I give you How I Celebrated Pi Day!

Pecan Pie and QuicheBe Jealous!

That right there is Quiche Lorraine and my famous (among people who have tried it) Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie!

Winter Garden Dinner….a post not about sewing/knitting!

Did you think I forgot about you, dear reader?  Well I didn’t… I just had more important shit to do- Iike read A Game of Thrones! (Spoiler: EVERYONE DIES!)  However, between reading about the exploits of Ayra and Tyrion I made a tasty dinner from very, very local ingredients.  So local, in fact, I only had to walk a few paces out my back door to get them.  That’s right I grew all that shit!  Even more impressive since it’s the dead of winter. [although in Charleston winter should really be in “quotes”]

So, what did I make/grow you may ask.  Well, first up we have Christmas Pole Lima Beans.

Pretty, aren't they?

Pretty, aren’t they?

Sadly, they don’t stay that vibrant when cooked.  They are a nice big, meaty bean.  In fact, I learned very quickly to just have them in place of meat ’cause with an additional protein it’s just too much.  I cooked them with red wine, chicken stock, water and thyme.  And it took FOREVER!  In the future I need to plan ahead and give them a good overnight soak.

While the beans were cooking I cooked a couple of pieces of bacon and then caramelized a thinly sliced onion in the leftover fat…. that’s right I cook with bacon fat and it’s DELICIOUS!  Once the beans finally finished cooking I added those bad boys to the onions, thickened it up with some reserved cooking liquid and mixed in the bacon. BAM! Dinner!

These were in the dirt literally moments before this photo was taken.

A Song of Carrots and Kale.

But wait there’s more!  In addition to delicious, bacon-y lima beans.  There was garlic kale.  Which consists of an obscene amount of garlic, olive oil, torn kale, and then a bit of chicken stock for steaming purposes.

Plus roasted carrots– carrots ,olive oil, thyme, salt, oven…. in that order.  So easy.

Apologies for the terrible lighting.  We didn't eat till 9pm....stupid beans!

Apologies for the terrible lighting. We didn’t eat till 9pm….stupid beans!

And there you have it.  Homegrown dinner….. in the middle of “winter”.

There will be more sewing posts….maybe even later this week. I know two posts in one week- IT’S MADNESS!