Pin Dot Chambray Zinnia Skirt

The alternate title for this post was “Zinnia Skirt 2: Electric Boogalo”, but I decided to go the more descriptive route 😉

So, dear reader, at long last I actually have a finished object post! ….I know try to contain yourself.


My first wool Zinnia is definitely my favorite skirt I’ve made. And ever since I’ve been longing for a year round version.  When I saw Melissa from Craft Rambler’s version my ass was kicked into high gear.  To the point that as I look at her version again I realize I pretty much made the same skirt…. I am nothing if not highly suggestible :-/


You can see I left off the belt loops on this version… I cut out the piece and then impulsively decided to leave them off.  I may go back and add them back on, as I now realize my little belt has a slimming effect :-/


Ignore the fact that this needs a good ironing and focus on my awesome invisible zipper and super cute red button 😀

Both the zipper and button were purchased from a local sewing store I stumbled upon up here.  They’re geared mostly towards quilting, but have a lovely selection knits and obviously notions too.


Although I made vast improvements in my zipper insertion… I’m still getting the hang of my button-hole function.  It is not a pretty button-hole and I may have go back and hand stitch it, ’cause I manged to snip a few threads in trying to open it.


One thing I am super happy about is the fabric!  I never quite understood everyone’s obsession with chambray….until I bought some.  Boy howdy do I get it now!

I used Robert Kaufman’s Cotton Pin Dot Chambray in denim and probably didn’t need to, but lined it anyways with Cotton Lawn.  In related news, I am officially spoiled from lining my garments in quilting cotton!


I used french seams when I could….mostly for the practice.  I also hand stitched the hem, taking up a good 2 inches (because I’m short), with red lace hem tape (because it’s pretty 😀 )


The one and only issue that’s annoying me is the weird flip-y fold thing that’s happening at my hips.  I have no idea what’s causing it and no idea how to make it go away!  I am open to suggestions on both fronts!

Works in Progress VII……. Tennessee Edition!

I’m back party people!  And I’m in Tennessee!  I’ve started my new job (which is awesome and full of awesome people!) and I’ve gotten settled in my new apartment with the important things in life….


That’s right half my stuff is still in Charleston, I’m sleeping on a futon, but I brought almost ALL my sewing and knitting supplies.  Priorities people!


And I have picked up with my knitting!  I’m almost done with the second sleeve 🙂 After that all I need to do is knit the collar and block it!  I did have a slight goof up with the second sleeve- after having let it sit for so long I forgot the decrease pattern sequence….aaannnd instead of, you know, carefully re-reading the pattern I just sort of glanced at it- which left me a sleeve short by at least an inch :-/
I was able to catch it before starting on the cuff and just added a few more rows.  It may still be a little shorter (or actually longer!), but hopefully not enough to notice. *Success you can’t notice it!*


I’ve also been making significant progress with my second Zinnia!  I’m hopefully that very soon I’ll actually have a Finished Object post, as opposed to these constant Works in Progress…. hell maybe I’ll have two!  I also swear my next project will be something I haven’t made before- shit maybe I’ll finally make that cape 😉

And with that I’ll leave you with views from my new place 🙂

