Wool Flannel Zinnia Skirt….plus bonus knit infinity scarf!

Hold on to your hats folks!  Two blog posts in one week…. I know try to contain your excitement 🙂

So, without further ado…. I give you my favorite skirt!

IMG_3541  This is the Zinnia from Colette Patterns.  Everything about this is right up my alley!  Full skirt: check!  High, but not too high waist: check!  Vaguely vintage look and feel: double check!  [Overuse of exclamation points: check!!!]

And best of all:


Seriously- who doesn’t love pockets?!

I sewed this up in a straight size 14, with the full skirt no adjustments were really necessary.  However, I probably shortened it a bit because I’m on the shorter side and rarely wear heels.  I made this last fall, so I honestly can’t remember :-/

What I do remember is how easy this was to sew up…. I made a muslin, but I honestly probably didn’t need to, it was all very straight forward- even for a newbie like me!  Which brings us to one of the many reasons I LOVE Colette patterns.  The instructions are incredibly well thought out and easy to follow.  And their website has tons of follow-up tutorials that are harder to include in every sewing pattern….like how to install an invisible zipper or sewing pleats.

IMG_3549But enough of my fangirling…. I made this out of an awesome grey wool flannel suiting.  It’s beautiful and drape-y and sewed up like a dream.  I got it from Mood Fabrics (because I’m fancy that way!) and am super pissed that I can’t find it online anymore 😦

IMG_3547Also, bonus knitting!  This infinity scarf was actually a Christmas present I made for my Mother.  I splurged and got super fancy royal alpaca wool, because I knew she couldn’t tolerate scratchy wool against her skin.  Well….turns out she couldn’t even tolerate super fancy royal alpaca wool, so she gave it back to me- SCORE!  However, I’m under instructions to make a replacement scarf out of non-animal fiber yarn.

IMG_3574   I used a pretty vintage pearl (or pearl-like) button from my stash.  If we’re getting technical about it was my Grandmother’s stash, I just inherited it.  This was also not only my first button hole, but my first attempt at a hand-worked button hole.  Because I am BADASS that way! [but not really though… it’s because the button hole “function” on my sewing machine scares me 😦 ]

  You can sort of see it here (and can REALLY see it in an earlier photo), but I kinda fucked up on the zipper.  I inserted it a bit too low and now there’s a gap…. And there’s no way in hell I’m going to go back and fit it now.  You will learn very quickly, dear reader, that I am NOT a perfectionist.

IMG_3576_cxI finished the hem by hand, as well, with lace hem tape.  I always like finishing the hem with lace tape…it makes me smile 🙂

IMG_3561And finally my attempt at a twirling photo…despite photo evidence to the contrary it does twirl very nicely!  And one last out take ’cause it’s too funny:

IMG_3577This is El Meow talking back to me, when I asked her to move out of the photo.  She’s the only cat I know of that talks back when you scold her!

So, there you have it! My favorite skirt.  It should be noted all photos of me wearing said skirt were taken by the lovely Sarah of gypsysarah.  You should totally read about how she’s renovating a camper with only a screw driver and handsaw….she is very brave (or possibly crazy).

11 thoughts on “Wool Flannel Zinnia Skirt….plus bonus knit infinity scarf!

  1. Pingback: Pin Dot Chambray Zinnia Skirt | liz-o-matic

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