Gingham Dress and Swaddling Blankets for Baby

First off, Mother, don’t get too excited this was for a friend, sorry to disappoint  🙂  Yes, as I teased at in earlier posts my friend grew and spawned a tiny human and I made lots ‘o stuff for baby!

IMG_3697Adorable ain’t it!  This is McCall’s 5353 and actually the first time in a LONG time I sewed from one of the Big 4 pattern companies…. what can I say I’m an Indie girl at heart 😉

IMG_3700There’s not much to say about this construction wise…. I sewed the smallest size possible and everything was very straight forward.  The one thing I did differently was instead of adding embellishment I just topstitched everything using my standard double thread trick.

IMG_3699The one thing that was a “challenge” on this little item was the fact that I used my button hole “function” for the first time!  Now, I put “challenge” and “function” in quotes because: a) I realize making button holes on a machine isn’t really much of a challenge for most and b) my machine is a sweet, all metal beast from the 1960’s so it’s button function isn’t really so much a function as a series of steps.  But I have finally mastered that bitch!  Like many things in life it really wasn’t so bad once you finally just DID IT.

IMG_3698Another shot of the button ’cause it’s so freaking adorable!  I went to Jo-ann’s in search of plain red buttons to match one I already had and came back with ladybugs 🙂

IMG_3730Baby bloomers!  The gingham fabric is, I’m guessing, a cotton-poly blend and something I’ve had for years…. It’s actually from a failed Walkaway dress I attempted when first learning to sew.  I cut the pieces out wrong and was so pissed about it I just shoved it in a closet!  And that was the last dress I attempted to sew without making a muslin first 😀

IMG_3731During the baby shower Mama-to-be mentioned off hand needing to get more swaddling blankets- I took one look at the ones she had and said “I can make that!”  Seriously, this is probably one of the easiest projects I’ve done in a while.  You’re making a 44×44 inch square…. that’s it.  I had her pick a couple of colors of cotton gauze she liked from here, ordered a yard and a half, and that was that!

[Side note: The original fabric she requested was cotton muslin….which was confusing to me ’cause I wouldn’t want to wrap myself in that rough stuff let alone a baby!  Well, evidently her swaddling blankets came from an Australian company and in Australia cotton gauze=cotton muslin…..Sewaholic did a post a few years ago about British vs North American sewing terms, which was great!]

IMG_3733Once you have your fabric squares cut all that’s left are the mitered corners.  I used this tutorial for the corners and above you can see my varying degrees of success :-/

Well, that’s it for baby stuff!  I’m working on a lot of projects for other people right now, but hopefully I’ll get some time to start in on some stuff for ME 🙂

4 thoughts on “Gingham Dress and Swaddling Blankets for Baby

  1. Pingback: More Swadling Blankets! | liz-o-matic

  2. Pingback: Brindle & Twig Bodysuit 009 in Art Gallery Jersey | liz-o-matic

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