Works in Progress XII

Hellloooo dear reader!  After the success of my Hawthorn dress I’m trying to keep the sewjo rolling 😀

So, I jumped straight into making, what else, MORE GRAIL T-SHIRTS!!! (try to contain your surprise)


I’m switching things up a bit and am doing these assemble line style… I’ve got two in more of the Bamboo jersey and one in a fun print 🙂


I’ve also cut a Bodysuit onesie from Brindille & Twig for my co-worker’s bun in the oven… she is just about ready to pop!  I feel this pattern will be a good investment as ANOTHER friend of mine recently announced she’s knocked up 😉

Which brings us to….


Astute readers will recognize this as the exact same shot from my previous Works in Progress….because there hasn’t been much progress and I didn’t feel like taking another picture! 😛
To be fair I seem to be able to only focus on one craft at a time… If my sewjo is on fire, then knitting is on the back burner… if I’m knitting up a storm, then sewing is on the back burner.  C’est la vie!

With that I leave you with pictures of my cat making herself at home in my yet to be unpacked fabric boxes…Enjoy!




3 thoughts on “Works in Progress XII

  1. El Meow! How’s she liking the new place? Can’t wait to see your new t-shirts. I think I’ll always be baffled by knitting, so it’s fun to see your projects in that department.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Even More Grail T-shirts… with more pattern hacking! | liz-o-matic

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