June Garden Tour

I bet you’re wondering, dear reader, what happened to the April garden tour…..asked no one…. Well, time she escaped from me and before I knew it we were in June.  And let me tell you- the garden has taken off!

IMG_3705The squash and green beans are producing like CRAZY!  Sadly, you can see some of the squash are already starting to get hit by the dreaded vine borer beetle 😦

IMG_3707The tomatoes are not only in the ground, but have also taken off.  A couple of the starts didn’t make, but hopefully we’ll still get plenty.  On the plus side it has made room for some of green peppers 🙂

IMG_3709We already have lots of green tomatoes, hopefully they’ll start to ripen soon.  I swear it always seems to take FOREVER for that first tomato to ripen!

IMG_3710Here you can see the Christmas Pole Lima beans and cucumbers.  The first Lima beans never sprouted, but you can see the second go are doing quite well.  The same can’t be said for the cucumbers, you can kinda see the leaves are yellowing.  It seems to be a magnesium deficiency, which we’re working on.

IMG_3708The garlic has been harvested and the watermelon are attempting to take over the world… or at least their small corner of it.  Just for comedies sake here is what that bed looked like on April 23rd.

Well… there you have the garden as of June.  I promise more sewing posts soon for those of you who could care less about my garden 😉

2 thoughts on “June Garden Tour

    • I think so…. A couple years ago we had that bad drought and the birds would peck at the tomatoes. We added the CDs last year and didn’t have a problem with the birds, but there also wasn’t a drought…. so maybe they work?


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